
CEMS Topical Meeting Online

Complex Magnetism meets Topology:
New Coupling Mechanisms and Responses

December 1, 2020



The magnetic skyrmion is but one representative of a rapidly growing family of complex magnetic orders - with emergent optical, multiferroic, and transport characteristics. Experimental discoveries in this dynamic field are underpinned by theoretical insights regarding spin-orbit or nesting-driven magnetic interactions. This meeting surveys the most recent progress in the field of noncollinear magnetic orderings, with a focus on magnets with coupled local moments and conduction electrons.



Tuesday, December 1, 2020

12:50 - 13:00Opening
13:00 - 13:40Cristian Batista (University of Tennessee)
Skyrmion crystal from RKKY interaction mediated by 2D electron gas
13:40 - 14:20Shinichiro Seki (University of Tokyo)
Novel materials with magnetic skyrmions and their three-dimensional dynamics
14:20 - 14:30Break
14:30 - 15:10Naoto Nagaosa (RIKEN CEMS)
Emergent electromagnetism in spiral magnets
15:10 - 15:50Vincent Cros (CNRS/Thales)
Stabilization and observation of zero-field skyrmions in ferromagnetic and synthetic antiferromagnetic systems
15:50 - 16:00Break
16:00 - 16:40Stefan Blügel (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Beyond Heisenberg solids: From multi-spin interactions to novel chiral particles
16:40 - 17:20Oksana Zaharko (Paul Scherrer Institut)
Fractional antiferromagnetic skyrmion lattice in MnSc2S4
17:20 - 17:30Break
17:30 - 18:10Jonathan White (Paul Scherrer Institut)
Topological magnetic phase in the candidate Weyl semimetal CeAlGe
18:10 - 18:50Karin Everschor-Sitte (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Magnetic skyrmions for unconventional computing and revealing latent information
18:50 - 19:00Closing

* Japan Standard Time (JST / UTC+0900)


Registration (On Demand)

Until noon on December 5, 2020 (Closed)


Download abstract

pdf-icon Abstract.pdf (0.8MB)


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Secretariat of CEMS Topical Meeting Online
Topological Quantum Matter Unit, RIKEN CEMS
Address: Frontier Research Building #207, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198
Phone: +81(0)48 462 1111 Ext. 6115
Fax: +81(0)48 462 1111 Ext. 6350
Email: maximilian.hirschberger@riken.jp


  • Max Hirschberger (RIKEN CEMS)