
Oral presentations

Keynote and Invited talks are scheduled for 60 and 30 minutes, respectively, (including Q&A session). Speakers who do not carry their own laptops can use the onsite conference PC. In this case, presentation files in a flash memory (USB memory) or in a CD should be provided to the registration desk before the session with the following info on software and OS.

Poster presentations

The objective of the poster session is to provide a venue for selected works to be presented in greater visual details and to facilitate vigorous discussions with interested attendees.
Each author is to be provided with a W900 mm X H1900 mm poster panel, and is expected to be present next to his/her poster panel throughout the session to explain his/her work to attendees.

Specs of the conference PC:

OS: Windows 7, Japanese version
Application: PowerPoint 2010 and Adobe Acrobat XI, Japanese version