CEMS Topical Meeting on

Emergent Phenomena in Topological Quantum Materials

May 20–21, 2024


Timetable Timetable

Day 1 (Monday, May 20, 2024)

Session 1
13:30-14:00Jun'ichi Ieda   Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Emergent inductance in (anti-)ferromagnetic nanostructures
14:00-14:30Tomoyuki Yokouchi   RIKEN CEMS
Emergent electric field induced by current-driven domain wall motion in a room-temperature antiferromagnet FeSn2
14:30-15:00Masaki Uchida   Tokyo Institute of Technology
Observation of in-plane anomalous Hall effect
15:00-15:30Atsushi Tsukazaki   The University of Tokyo
Experimental detection of topological features in thin films of a Weyl magnet Co3Sn2S2
Session 2
15:50-16:20Masayuki Hashisaka   The University of Tokyo
Electron coherence in interacting topological edge channels
16:20-16:50Hiroki Isobe   RIKEN CEMS
Seeking a nonlinear quantum Hall response
16:50-17:20Koji Muraki   NTT Basic Research Laboratories
Helical edge transport at electrostatically defined topological domain boundaries
17:20-17:50Minoru Kawamura   RIKEN CEMS
Surface Hall conductivity of a magnetic topological insulator heterostructure
18:00-20:00Banquet (at Hirosawa club, RIKEN)

Day 2 (Tuesday, May 21, 2024)

Session 3
9:40-10:30Long Ju (Online)   MIT
Integer and fractional quantum anomalous Hall effects in rhombohedral graphene
10:30-11:00Satoshi Iwamoto   The University of Tokyo
Exploiting topological properties of light in integrated photonic platforms (tentative)
11:00-11:30Yuto Moritake   Tokyo Institute of Technology
Novel photonic state control using topological and non-Hermitian nanophotonic systems
11:30-12:00Yoichi Nii   Tohoku University
Visualizing topological surface acoustic waves on a honeycomb phononic crystal
12:00-13:00Lunch Break
13:00-14:30Poster Session
Session 4
14:30-15:00Hiroshi Yamamoto   Institute for Molecular Science
Emergent chiral spintronics based on molecular materials
15:00-15:30Yoshinori Okada   Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
Rich emergence in antiferromagnetic low dimensional metals, semimetals, and semiconductors
15:30-16:00Ryutaro Yoshimi   The University of Tokyo
Ferroelectric topological insulators (Sn,Pb,In)Te with Fermi level tuning

Poster Session (13:00-14:30 Tuesday, May 21, 2024)

P01Max Hirschberger (The University of Tokyo)
Anomalous Hall effect in reciprocal space from spin chirality in real space
P02Lixuan Tai (RIKEN CEMS)
Giant Hall switching by surface-state-mediated spin-orbit torque in a hard ferromagnetic topological insulator
P03Kiyu Fukui (The University of Tokyo)
Topological Majorana flat bands in the Kitaev model on a Bishamon-kikko lattice
P04Shunsuke Yoshizawa (NIMS)
Scanning tunneling microscopy imaging of Landau levels on a topological insulator surface
P05Yoshichika Ōnuki (RIKEN CEMS)
Unique electronic states in Eu- and Gd-based compounds
P06Pasquale Marra (The University of Tokyo)
Majorana modes and topologically nontrivial stripes in two-dimensional inhomogeneous topological superconductors
P07Yuki Sato (RIKEN CEMS)
FeSexTe1-x thin films as a platform for exploring exotic superconducting states
P08Sogen Ikegami (The University of Tokyo)
Topological phase diagram of the Haldane model on a Bishamon-kikko—honeycomb lattice
P09Moritz M. Hirschmann (RIKEN CEMS)
Topological nodal planes in hexagonal space groups
P10Yuto Kiyonaga (The University of Tokyo)
Giant nonlinear Hall transport by alternating magnetization reversal in a semi-magnetic topological insulator
P11Ryo Makuta (The University of Tokyo)
Skyrmions in the spin-orbit coupled Hubbard model
P12Soma Nagahama (The University of Tokyo)
Phase diagram of Fe(Se,Te) thin film grown by MBE
P13Soshun Ozaki (The University of Tokyo)
Orbital paramagnetism without density of state enhancement in nodal-line semimetal ZrSiS
P14Kei S. Takahashi (RIKEN CEMS)
Anomalous magneto-transport properties of ultra-clean SrVO3 thin films
P15Takahiko Makiuchi (RIKEN CEMS)
Persistent magnetic coherence in Y3Fe5O12
P16Wei Dai (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Non-local Berry curvatures and non-quantized Chern numbers in valley photonic crystals
P17Ayano Nakamura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Observation of in-plane anomalous Hall effect in magnetic Weyl semimetal EuCd2Sb2 film
P18Toshihiro Terakawa (The University of Tokyo)
Nernst effect enhanced by Fermi surface nesting in band touching semimetal GdPtBi
P19Soju Furuta (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Time-varying Joule heating and its impact on AC impedance “reconsideration of non-linear emergent inductance”
P20Ryota Nakai (RIKEN RQC)
Twisted boundary condition formalism for thermal transport
P21Tonghua Yu (The University of Tokyo)
Topological boundary states at the half-Heusler interfaces
P22Hsiang Lee (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
In-plane anomalous and planar Hall effects observed in EuZn2Sb2 thin films
P23Ryota Nakano (The University of Tokyo)
Multiple-Q helical magnetic orders in a polar Weyl semimetal GdAlSi
P24Tadashi Machida (RIKEN CEMS)
Spin-polarized spectroscopy of vortex bound states in Fe(Se,Te)
P25Takahiro Uemura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Fast-light edge states on valley photonic crystal with glide and time reversal symmetry
P26Ngoc Han Tu (RIKEN CEMS)
P27Ilya Belopolski (RIKEN CEMS)
Discovery of a topological quantum link
P28Ming-Chung Jiang (RIKEN CEMS)
Nodal-line resonance generating the giant anomalous Hall effect of Co3Sn2S2