111th CEMS Colloquium - The 10th CEMS Award Lectures -


Dr. Hiroya Nishikawa ( Special Postdoctoral Researcher, Physicochemical Soft Matter Research Team, RIKEN CEMS)
Mr. Daishi Inoue (Expert Technician, Materials Characterization Support Team, RIKEN CEMS)
Dr. Kenta Takeda (Senior Research Scientist, Quantum Functional System Research Group, RIKEN CEMS)


17:20 - 18:30, April 26, 2023 (Wednesday)


Okochi-Hall, RIKEN


Dr. Hiroya Nishikawa
“Deepening of science in fluid ferroelectric nematics”

Mr. Daishi Inoue
“Advanced Research Support by Electron Microscopy”

Dr. Kenta Takeda
“Research on quantum error correction technology in semiconductor qubits”