
Search for scientific papers published by members of the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science



  1. J.-J. Lee, T.-W. Moon, F. Araoka , and S.-W. Choi

    Circularly polarized light emission from encapsulated aggregation-induced emission achiral luminogen within the supramolecular helical nanofilament networks

    J. Colloid Interface Sci. 682, 60-69 (2025) new
  2. R. Plumley, S. R. Chitturi, C. Peng, T. A. Assefa, N. Burdet, L. Shen, Z. Chen, A. H. Reid, G. L. Dakovski, M. H. Seaberg, F. O'Dowd, S. A. Montoya, H. Chen, A. Okullo, S. Mardanya, S. D. Kevan, P. Fischer, E. E. Fullerton, S. K. Sinha, W. Colocho, A. Lutman, F. J. Decker, S. Roy, J. Fujioka, Y. Tokura, M. P. Minitti, J. A. Johnson, M. Hoffmann, M. E. Amoo, A. Feiguin, C. Yoon, J. Thayer, Y. Nashed, C. Jia, A. Bansil, S. Chowdhury, A. M. Lindenberg, M. Dunne, E. Blackburn , and J. J. Turner

    On ultrafast x-ray scattering methods for magnetism

    Adv. Phys. X 9, (2024)
  3. M. Kriener, T. Koretsune, R. Arita, Y. Tokura, and Y. Taguchi

    Enhancement of the thermoelectric figure of merit in the Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 by band-structure and -filling control

    Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 25, 2412971 (2024)
  4. R. Takagi, R. Hirakida, Y. Settai, R. Oiwa, H. Takagi, A. Kitaori, K. Yamauchi, H. Inoue, J.-i. Yamaura, D. Nishio-Hamane, S. Itoh, S. Aji, H. Saito, T. Nakajima, T. Nomoto, R. Arita , and S. Seki

    Spontaneous Hall effect induced by collinear antiferromagnetic order at room temperature

    Nat. Mater. (2024)
  5. Y. Fujisawa, A. Krishnadas, T. Nakamura, C.-H. Hsu, B. Smith, M. Pardo-Almanza, H. Hiyane, G. Chang, Y. Nagai, T. Machida , and Y. Okada

    Imaging Josephson vortices on curved junctions

    Phys. Rev. B 110, 224511 (2024)
  6. K. Nagao, I. Danshita , and S. Yunoki

    Discrete-phase-space method for driven-dissipative dynamics of strongly interacting bosons in optical lattices

    Phys. Rev. A 110, 063310 (2024)
  7. N. Witt, Y. Nomura, S. Brener, R. Arita, A. I. Lichtenstein , and T. O. Wehling

    Bypassing the lattice BCS-BEC crossover in strongly correlated superconductors through multiorbital physics

    npj Quantum Mater. 9, 100 (2024)
  8. Y. Hirasaki, K. Inui , and E. Saitoh

    Inverse magnetoconductance design by automatic differentiation

    Phys. Rev. B 110, 214201 (2024)
  9. W.-H. Dong, C. Si, W. Duan , and Y. Xu

    Realizing Strong and Robust Quasi-1D Superconductors via Multiorbital Chains: NaBe as an Example

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 236001 (2024)
  10. Y. Fujishiro, C. Terakura, A. Miyake, N. Kanazawa, K. Nakazawa, N. Ogawa, H. Kadobayashi, S. Kawaguchi, T. Kagayama, M. Tokunaga, Y. Kato, Y. Motome, K. Shimizu , and Y. Tokura

    Pressure-induced quantum melting of chiral spin order and subsequent transition to a degenerate semiconductor state in FeGe

    Phys. Rev. B 110, L220401 (2024)