Articles published in RIKEN Research and RIKEN News introducing the research of the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science
- Mar 13, 2025RIKEN RESEARCH Revealing the hidden symmetries of a superconductor
- A superconducting surface’s electromagnetic response can reveal the secrets of the exotic particles beneath
- Feb 27, 2025RIKEN RESEARCH Surface chemistry drives nanocrystal properties for devices
- Techniques for aligning nanocrystals pave the way for enhancing solar-cell efficiency and LED performance
- Feb 14, 2025RIKEN RESEARCH Shining a light on magnetic structure
- A novel technique for identifying magnetic ordering in antiferromagnets could improve electronics
- Feb 10, 2025RIKEN RESEARCH Broadening the search for topological superconductivity
- Exotic superconducting states can exist in common iron-based superconductors, according to a theoretical analysis
- Dec 19, 2024RIKEN RESEARCH The motion of magnetic whirlpools is all relative
- A new way of thinking about how swirling magnetic textures and mobile electrons interact could lead to compact, efficient and robust electronic devices
- Oct 17, 2024RIKEN RESEARCH Magnetic octupoles overcome problems with antiferromagnets
- Researchers show a way to use antiferromagnets to create data-storage devices without moving parts
- Oct 17, 2024RIKEN RESEARCH Wearable, water-resistant light detector targets health monitoring
- An ultrathin, organic light detector that is water resistant is promising for monitoring vital signs
- Oct 10, 2024RIKEN RESEARCH A solar cell that is stretchable without sacrificing power
- A solar cell that is intrinsically stretchable could be used to power wearable devices
- Aug 01, 2024RIKEN RESEARCH How a material distinguishes between polarized light that rotates in different directions
- Why a material shows very different responses to left and right circularly polarized light has been revealed
- Jun 06, 2024RIKEN RESEARCH Fast and faithful quantum measurements of electron spin qubits
- A method for rapidly and precisely measuring the quantum state of electrons in a silicon device could help scale up quantum computers
- May 17, 2024RIKEN RESEARCH Scientists create an “optical conveyor belt” for quasiparticles
- Apr 04, 2024RIKEN RESEARCH Using ultrasound to probe antiferromagnets
- Ultrasound can be used to explore the properties of magnetic materials that are promising for high-density data storage
- Apr 04, 2024RIKEN RESEARCH Tracing the main source of noise in silicon quantum computers
- Measurements of the noise experienced by two neighboring quantum dots will aid the design of silicon quantum computers
- Mar 29, 2024RIKEN RESEARCH “Shear sound waves” provide the magic for linking ultrasound and magnetic waves
- Mar 26, 2024RIKEN RESEARCH Electron-bending effect could boost computer memory
- A magnetic material with a simple structure could help to overcome the shortcomings of materials used in memory devices
- Mar 11, 2024RIKEN RESEARCH Quantum-mechanical ‘molecules’ spotted in superconducting devices
- Exotic quantum 'molecules’ that could be used in quantum computers have been created in Josephson junctions for the first time
- Feb 01, 2024RIKEN RESEARCH Organic semiconductors with proton-hopping promise
- A new method for making molecules derived from an ancient organic dye could inspire future flexible electronic devices
- Dec 26, 2023RIKEN RESEARCH Shedding light on the origin of the photovoltaic effect in organic–inorganic perovskites
- The conversion of light into electricity in special crystals depends on the material’s symmetry
- Nov 27, 2023RIKEN RESEARCH Using Josephson junctions to control the flow of a supercurrent
- The superconducting equivalent of the diode has been realized using Josephson junctions, opening new possibilities for harnessing superconductivity in devices
- Nov 21, 2023RIKEN RESEARCH Stirring a polariton condensate using a special laser beam
- Vortices can be created at will in a superfluid made of light
- Nov 10, 2023RIKEN RESEARCH Dynamics of skyrmion spin states confirmed in neutron-scattering experiments
- Neutron-scattering experiments confirm the dynamics of magnetic whirlpools, which could prove useful in future super-efficient devices
- Oct 30, 2023RIKEN RESEARCH Simulating spins, spirals and shrinking devices
- Researchers at RIKEN are trying to reverse the traditional approach to developing quantum-scale, energy-efficient electrical and computing components.
- Aug 17, 2023RIKEN RESEARCH Quantum question about the anomalous Hall effect is answered
- A unifying description for the curving path of electrons in some magnetic materials has been derived
- Aug 01, 2023RIKEN RESEARCH Using sound waves to image nanostructures
- Sound waves that have tiny wavelengths can be detected using a special electron microscope
- Apr 18, 2023RIKEN RESEARCH Why exotic states of matter don’t need edges
- Contrary to expectation, experiments show that edges are not needed to realize an unusual quantum effect
- Apr 10, 2023RIKEN RESEARCH Stripes within crystals hint at behavior of electrons in quantum systems
- A hidden pattern of electrons could provide clues to exotic quantum behavior
- Apr 10, 2023RIKEN RESEARCH Modeling longer-lived holes in silicon quantum dots
- The development of quantum computers will benefit from a new model that models spin in tiny silicon dots
- Mar 31, 2023RIKEN RESEARCH Connecting distant silicon qubits for scaling up quantum computers
- The linking of two distant qubits will help to develop larger, more complex quantum computers based on silicon quantum dots
- Feb 27, 2023RIKEN RESEARCH An electrical change of phase using skyrmions
- The magnetic state of a micrometer-scale material can be altered by applying an electrical current without changing the temperature
- Feb 09, 2023RIKEN RESEARCH Brain-inspired computing system based on skyrmions ‘reads’ handwriting
- Swirling magnetic whirlpools help to process data in a pattern-recognition device that mimics networks in the brain
- Jan 19, 2023RIKEN RESEARCH Novel fluorescent compound could massively boost the efficiency of device screens
- A fluorescent molecule overcomes a critical quantum-mechanical hurdle to realizing highly energy efficient displays
- Dec 08, 2022RIKEN RESEARCH Single-electron devices could manage heat flow in electronic components
- A nanoscale device offers insights into how single electrons interact with vibrations in the presence of a temperature gradient
- Jun 03, 2022RIKEN RESEARCH Shining light on a fluid completely changes its dielectric permittivity
- Simply illuminating a fluid can cause its interaction with an electric field to greatly vary
- Feb 04, 2022RIKEN RESEARCH Laminating organic photovoltaics onto curved surfaces
- Ultrathin electronics can now be laminated onto curved surfaces using heat-shrinkable polymers
- Feb 04, 2022RIKEN RESEARCH Self-templating, solvent-free supramolecular polymer synthesis
- A green method for producing crystalline supramolecular fibers promises to make polymer production more sustainable
- Dec 27, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH Gelatin foams show unexpected ultralong organic phosphorescence for optical applications
- Strong, biodegradable materials could find use in sensors and bioimaging methods
- Nov 22, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH Heat flow controls the movement of skyrmions in an insulating magnet
- Magnetic vortices could be manipulated by waste heat to realize low-power computing applications
- Nov 19, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH Modeling quantum spin liquids using machine learning
- A method for predicting exotic states of matter could be useful for processing quantum information
- Nov 01, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH Understanding finite-temperature quantum effects better with machine learning
- Machine learning can help explore the interaction between thermal and quantum effects in many-body systems
- Oct 22, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH Molecular tweak boosts performance of organic semiconductors for flexible electronic devices
- Sulfur-based chemical groups coax pyrene molecules into a brickwork crystal structure that offers enhanced electrical properties in a transistor device
- Sep 16, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH Observing the life cycle of skyrmions in exquisite detail
- Electron microscopy tracks the birth, evolution and death of swirling magnetic patterns
- Sep 03, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH Quantum entanglement of three spin qubits demonstrated in silicon
- A three-qubit entangled state has been realized in a fully controllable array of spin qubits in silicon
- Aug 19, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH Electron–electron and spin–orbit interactions compete to control the electron
- The interactions that compete to control electron spin can give rise to novel electronic states useful for future quantum technologies
- Aug 03, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH Mott insulator exhibits a sharp response to electron injection
- Unexpected peaks in a spectrum upset conventional models of an exotic quantum material
- Jul 14, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH Two-dimensional materials and interfaces can convert spin current into a vortex of charge current
- Low-power information processing could be possible using a new method for converting between spin and charge currents
- May 27, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH One-dimensional Anderson insulators predicted to host the bulk photovoltaic effect
- A class of insulating materials is predicted to hold promise for highly efficient solar cells
- Apr 07, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH Polypeptide self-assembly directed by the addition of cosolvents
- Adding ethanol or acetonitrile to a self-assembling molecular system alters the nanostructures that arise
- Apr 07, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH Thin cuprous iodide film will enable better optoelectronic devices
- Better optoelectronic devices could be realized using a high-quality film of cuprous iodide
- Apr 02, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH New mechanism enables the electrical control of the magnetization in magnetic nanodevices
- A new way to electrically generate rotation in materials made up of light elements could open the way for magnetic nanodevices
- Mar 05, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH Scanning tunneling microscopy reveals the origins of stable skyrmion lattices
- Interactions between electrons help to organize magnetic whirlpool structures into a repeating grid
- Feb 19, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH Topological insulators could offer a way to harness exotic particles for quantum computing
- A large class of quantum materials could host hypothetical particles useful for quantum computers
- Feb 05, 2021RIKEN RESEARCH Inductance based on a quantum effect has the potential to miniaturize inductors
- Inductors are set to join other electronic components in being miniaturized thanks to a quantum effect
- Dec 25, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH A one-way street for sound waves
- A new way for sound waves to interact with magnetic film could lead to 80% more directional control.
- Dec 01, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH A shapeshifting material based on inorganic matter
- By embedding titanium-based sheets in water, a group led by scientists from the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science has created a material using inorganic materials that can be converted fro ....
- Oct 30, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH Trade-off with superconducting qubits overcome by quantum filter
- Rapid control of long-lived superconducting qubits is made possible by using a quantum filter
- Oct 09, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH Computer models reliably predict light-emitting behavior of organic LED materials
- A new understanding of the rules governing light emission in certain organic materials should lead to the development of improved devices
- Sep 04, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH Using two acoustic reflectors triples spin-current generation
- Reflecting sound waves back toward a layered component triples the amount of spin current it produces
- Jul 31, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH Laser pulses induce a different kind of sound wave
- Ultrashort laser pulses induce unusual sound waves via a structural instability in a material
- Jul 17, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH Skyrmions created in a centrosymmetric material lacking geometrical frustration
- Tiny magnetic swirls can form in a broader range of materials than have been used in previous experiments
- Jul 03, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH Wiring a new path to scalable quantum computing
- Clever wiring architecture will soon produce bigger and better quantum circuits, says Yasunobu Nakamura.
- Jun 19, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH Pseudo-2D architecture for quantum computers is simple and scalable
- A simple approach to arranging the building blocks of quantum computers has been demonstrated
- Jun 19, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH Two-electron qubit points the way to scaling up quantum computers
- Using building blocks based on two electrons rather than one could help to realize larger quantum computers
- Jun 12, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH Sound waves create skyrmions in a magnetic film
- Nanoscale magnetic whirlpools can be formed in a film by applying sound waves
- Jun 05, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH Breaking symmetry leads to responsive organic photodetectors
- A response to light usually seen only in inorganic compounds has been realized in organic liquid crystals, opening the way to highly responsive photodetectors
- May 22, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH Superconductivity emerges in semiconductor on doping with valence-skipping metal
- A long-known semiconductor that turns into a superconductor on doping provides a good system for exploring the effects of valence skipping
- May 15, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH High-frequency noise is the biggest limitation for quantum computers
- A noise-canceling experiment reveals an unexpected source of noise during quantum computations
- Mar 27, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH Skyrmions seen in a kagome lattice
- Magnetic vortices have been made and seen in a crystal with a special structure
- Mar 13, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH Modified nickelate materials could serve as useful test-beds for understanding high-temperature superconductivity
- Study shows how to tweak the chemical structure of a nickel oxide material to possibly improve its superconducting properties
- Mar 10, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH Ultrathin organic solar cell is both efficient and durable
- Scientists from the RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research and RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science have succeeded, in collaboration with international partners, in creating an ultrathin organ ....
- Mar 06, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH Temperature-responsive polymer points the way to sustainable plastics
- Computation analysis unravels the complex behavior of a polymer with great potential for greener plastic production
- Jan 07, 2020RIKEN RESEARCH Device splits and recombines superconducting electron pairs
- A nanowire device could help explore a form of superconductivity that features exotic particles with potential uses in quantum computing
- Dec 16, 2019RIKEN RESEARCH A new way to induce the quantum anomalous Hall effect
- A ferromagnetic layer can induce the quantum anomalous Hall effect in a topological insulator
- Dec 10, 2019RIKEN RESEARCH Exciplex emission observed over much longer distances than previously thought possible
- Light emission has been generated by two molecules separated by an exceptionally long distance
- Dec 04, 2019RIKEN RESEARCH Stretchable, highly conductive film promising for wearable electronics
- Strong bonds between metal nanowires and polymer nanofibers enable a composite film to realize good electrical conductivity and high stretchability
- Dec 04, 2019RIKEN RESEARCH Frustrated magnet hosts skyrmions
- Skyrmions have been generated in a new class of magnetic materials
- Sep 02, 2019RIKEN RESEARCH Searching for the Majorana quasiparticle in a vortex core
- A potential host of the Majorana quasiparticle—a component of quantum computers of the future—has been observed
- Sep 02, 2019RIKEN RESEARCH Spin-to-electric charge conversion at an interface enables detection of spiraling light
- The interface between a metal and an oxide creates the right conditions for optically controlling electrons
- Sep 02, 2019RIKEN RESEARCH Topological superconductivity studied in thin films
- A composite material reveals the relationship between superconductivity and exotic electronic states that could be useful in quantum computers
- Jul 22, 2019RIKEN RESEARCH Spin fluctuations simpler than currents, researchers argue
- A theoretical study shows that spintronic equations are vastly simplified by looking at spin density fluctuations rather spin currents
- Jun 21, 2019RIKEN RESEARCH New method allows the spin of a quantum dot to be measured without changing it
- Accurate quantum computing is closer to reality, thanks to quantum non-demolition measurements
- Jun 04, 2019RIKEN RESEARCH Crystals could make data storage more energy efficient
- Crystals with special magnetic and electrical properties could help reduce the power consumed by memory storage devices
- May 31, 2019RIKEN RESEARCH Superconductor films convert heat into electricity
- Films of a superconductor show excellent thermoelectric properties at very low film thicknesses
- Feb 15, 2019RIKEN RESEARCH Hybrid vesicles of lipids and peptides release drug payload on warming
- Hybrid vesicles bring together the properties of peptides and lipids to enhance their ability to release drugs in a controlled manner
- Jan 18, 2019RIKEN RESEARCH Photoreactions activate magnetic nanoswitches
- Light induces photoreactions that activate the switch of the magnetic orientation of 2D materials dispersed in water
- Jan 11, 2019RIKEN RESEARCH High magnetic field induces liquid-to-solid phase change in two-dimensional electron system
- Electrons in a zinc oxide system go from a liquid to a solid on increasing the magnetic field
- Dec 28, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Rapid cooling reveals superpowers
- Rapid electrical cooling bypasses other states and turns on a superconducting state in materials that were previously not superconductors
- Nov 22, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Topological insulating phase predicted in a new type of material
- Calculations point to a new source of topological materials
- Oct 19, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Anomalous Hall effect tested in defect-free thin-film magnetic semiconductor
- An improved understanding of why electrons take a curved path through magnetic materials could aid the design of the electronic devices of tomorrow
- Sep 21, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Ultrathin organic photodetectors put wearable diagnostics at one’s fingertips
- A polymer that maintains its light-sensing capabilities while wrapped around a fingertip could be used in low-cost diagnostic devices that are comfortable to wear
- Aug 03, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Electrons in iron-based superconductors can pair up in two different ways
- Evidence that electrons form pairs in two distinct ways in iron-based superconductors will help theorists unravel the mechanism of unconventional superconductivity
- Jul 20, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Using spin current to convert mechanical vibrations into electricity
- A nanodevice that generates an electrical current from a spin current, which in turn is generated by mechanical oscillations, demonstrates the versatility of electron spin to convert between ener ....
- Jul 06, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Bringing fullerene closer to semiconducting polymer boosts the efficiency of organic solar cells
- Fine-tuning the structures of polymers can maximize the light-conversion ability of organic solar-cell systems
- Jun 29, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Thin and flexible organic photovoltaic devices engineered to resist both mechanical and thermal stress
- Advanced polymer design enables high-performance solar cells to be coated onto textiles
- Apr 20, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Material defects hinder the dynamics of magnetic skyrmions
- A model of the interactions between magnetic vortices and material impurities could aid the development of low-power magnetic memories
- Apr 20, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Electrical pulses shift the boundaries between magnetic patterns
- Electricity can be used to control magnetic patterns in an alloy, opening up the possibility of using them in high-performance devices
- Apr 13, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Anomalous and topological Hall effects can be controlled by an electric field
- Controlling the anomalous and topological Hall effects by applying an electric field could lead to new types of memory and logic devices
- Apr 06, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Investigating the interaction between systems of different dimensions
- The interaction between a 2D system and a 3D one has been explored using a special system made up of two helium isotopes
- Mar 23, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Reducing noise in silicon quantum dots boosts calculation precision
- The quantum equivalents of computer bits can be manipulated quicker and more precisely by using techniques that liberate them from intrinsic ‘hyperfine noise’
- Mar 23, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH A mechanically robust but readily repairable polymer
- A robust polymer that can be readily repaired unites two properties that seemed mutually exclusive
- Mar 16, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Domain walls allow dissipationless chiral edge conduction of electrons
- Chiral edge states could offer a way to store and manipulate information in low-power electronic devices
- Mar 02, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Method for predicting Dirac points developed, helping next-generation electronics research
- Identifying the origins of ‘Dirac points’ could help to tailor two-dimensional materials for next-generation electronic devices
- Mar 02, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Axion insulator exhibits giant magnetoresistance at low magnetic fields
- The resistance of a new design of quantum material varies greatly with magnetic field, making it useful for novel devices
- Feb 23, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Chiral magnets show bulk diode effect due to spin fluctuation
- Materials with left- and right-handed responses to current exhibit an intriguing diode effect
- Jan 12, 2018RIKEN RESEARCH Quantum information finds its edge
- Electronic states at the edge of topological insulators are promising as carriers of quantum information
- Dec 22, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH Washable solar cells
- A new stretchy and washable organic solar cell has opened up the possibility of textile-integrated solar power
- Dec 22, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH Making an unconventional computer using conventional technology
- By exploiting imperfections in electronic devices, scientists are using existing manufacturing techniques to make the building blocks of quantum computers
- Dec 08, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH Solar cells with a quantum shift
- A quantum-mechanical way of generating photocurrents may help solar devices overcome existing inefficiencies
- Nov 28, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH Spins line up for data duty
- Electric fields produced by structural mismatches between two materials could be harnessed to manage data in spintronic devices
- Nov 24, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH New-wave spintronics comes to light
- Successful injection of tiny ripples into ultrathin magnetic films holds promise for computer chips that never overheat
- Nov 10, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH Measuring the unmeasurable
- Virtual excitations, which are typically hidden, can be revealed by the pressure they exert on a movable mirror
- Oct 20, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH Positive result for cuprate superconductor
- High-temperature superconductivity may be linked to the low-energy pairing of holes on oxygen sites
- Sep 22, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH Useful new supramolecular polymer responds to heat and alcohol
- An intriguing new plastic that forms by either cooling or heating its components in alcohol promises numerous applications
- Sep 15, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH Innovative electronics feels like a second skin
- Sensors made from stretchable nanomeshes allow patients’ skin to breathe naturally while continuously monitoring their health
- Aug 04, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH An uneven resistance
- Superconducting molybdenum disulfide exhibits a huge enhancement in the variability of resistance with field direction
- Jul 28, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH Scientists map nickel-based catalyst’s electrons and reveal acid–base action
- Crystallographers and synthetic chemists collaborate to reveal how a common nickel catalyst acts to assemble molecules
- Jul 21, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH Flaws in zinc oxide films add magnetic twist
- Why does a non-magnetic material cause electrons to behave like they are interacting with a magnet?
- Jul 14, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH Physicists solve ETH Zurich quantum point contact mystery
- Near superfluid conditions prompt atoms to form pairs to pass through a narrow gate, finds a new mathematical analysis
- Jun 10, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH A skyrmion square dance
- Applying a magnetic field can switch a grid of magnetic vortices between triangular and square arrangements
- Apr 20, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH A more fundamental approach to correlation
- A method for calculating physical effects in materials with strong interactions between their electrons holds promise for analyzing these intriguing materials
- Apr 14, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH Putting a block on dot-to-dot
- Optimizing the tunneling of electrons between nanoscale electronic structures could aid the development of quantum computers
- Mar 24, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH Plugging leaks in printable logic
- Self-assembling thin films make it possible to produce flexible electronic devices using a single plastic transistor
- Mar 03, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH Weyl fermions, on the other hand
- Analogs of undiscovered elementary particles are predicted to exhibit an unusual effect in exotic materials
- Feb 03, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH Magnetic bubbles pop up
- Skyrmionic bubbles, a potential data carrier in low-energy computing systems, can be controlled using temperature or a magnetic field
- Jan 06, 2017RIKEN RESEARCH Sturdy skyrmions stack up
- A new form of low-power computing that uses miniscule magnetic whirlpools to store and process data is a step closer to becoming a reality
- Dec 16, 2016RIKEN RESEARCH Exotic quantum technology realized using normal silicon
- Quantum circuits based on industry-standard silicon offer a route to scalable quantum computers
- Dec 02, 2016RIKEN RESEARCH Photonic water shows nanosheets’ true colors
- Aqueous suspensions of nanosheets that can be tuned to reflect over a wide range of wavelengths could lead to smarter optical filters and sensors
- Nov 25, 2016RIKEN RESEARCH Single photon excites two atoms at once
- Calculations reveal how one particle of light can excite two atoms simultaneously
- Nov 18, 2016RIKEN RESEARCH Switched-on skyrmions
- A lattice of magnetic vortices can be created or destroyed simply by applying an electric field
- Oct 28, 2016RIKEN RESEARCH The search for disorder in order
- A signature of an exotic state of matter that remains disordered even at very low temperatures has been experimentally identified
- Oct 21, 2016RIKEN RESEARCH ‘Snap freezing’ produces different state
- The state that a correlated-electron material adopts on cooling depends on how rapidly it is cooled
- Sep 30, 2016RIKEN RESEARCH Fluorine offers solar power boost
- Tweaking the chemical composition of polymer solar cells improves efficiency and voltage
- Sep 02, 2016RIKEN RESEARCH Super-material holds a quantum surprise
- An innovative deposition system unlocks possible quantum applications inside multifunctional metal oxide thin films
- Aug 19, 2016RIKEN RESEARCH A changed exchange for magnetic materials
- A method for controlling the magnetic texture of exotic materials offers a route to realizing the next generation of electronic devices
- Aug 05, 2016RIKEN RESEARCH Mystery solved in superconductor electron patterns
- Controlling an unusual ordering of charges could boost superconducting behavior
- Jul 29, 2016RIKEN RESEARCH A new tilt on an old particle
- When recreated in a solid, fundamental particles predicted over 80 years ago could exhibit more exotic properties than anticipated
- Jul 08, 2016RIKEN RESEARCH Photovoltaics stand to profit from electronic ‘catastrophes’
- Spontaneous redistribution of charge at nanometer-thin interfaces unlocks a fundamentally different technique for harvesting solar energy
- Mar 25, 2016RIKEN RESEARCH Single-atom lasers change gears
- Single-atom lasers that emit one light particle at a time are predicted to be switchable between two activity regimes
- Jan 29, 2016RIKEN RESEARCH A better foundation for 3D memory
- The discovery of metal-like domain walls in magnetic insulators may help realize energy-efficient memory devices with massive storage capacities
- Jan 22, 2016RIKEN RESEARCH Microwave synthesis ‘zaps’ graphene to perfection
- A simple procedure turns bulk graphite crystals into atomically thin super materials and magnetically aligned gels
- Jan 15, 2016RIKEN RESEARCH Defrosting a magnetic mystery
- An intriguing quantum effect that is potentially useful for practical electronic devices has been realized at significantly higher temperatures than previously observed
- Dec 18, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Helical pores make perfect hosts
- A porous framework consisting of liquid crystals aids the study of intriguing optical phenomena
- Dec 11, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Metal−oxide interfaces create a flipping point
- Coating nanowires with an oxide layer can enhance by an order of magnitude the probability of ‘spin flips’ for spintronic devices
- Dec 04, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Building better bilayers
- A strategy for generating stable lipid bilayers could simplify the study of biologically important membrane proteins
- Nov 27, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH A sensitive approach to atom counting
- Measurements of scattered photons can be used to detect the number of atoms trapped in the troughs of an optical lattice
- Nov 20, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Melting of frozen frustrations
- Computations reveal how quantum interactions can break a deadlock in magnetic spin ice oxides
- Nov 13, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Mind the gap!
- Scanning tunneling microscopy is used to probe electrons in an unconventional superconductor, and uncovers an unexpected energy gap
- Nov 06, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Light-absorbing polymers stand to attention
- By lining up vertical strands of a polymer, researchers probe the unusual optical properties of thin films
- Oct 16, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH A hydrogel flexes its muscles
- A water-based polymer can stretch, contract and even walk like an artificial muscle in response to temperature changes
- Oct 09, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Characterizing electrons in the smallest devices
- A technique for investigating the magnetic properties of electrons in quantum point contacts leads to a better understanding of these quantum devices
- Oct 09, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Magnetic material feels the strain
- Stretching a material offers a way of tuning an exotic form of magnetism
- Sep 25, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Entangled atoms
- The observation of quantum entangled atoms has important implications for quantum information processing
- Sep 25, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH A magnetic memory bubbling with opportunity
- Ultrafast laser pulses can manipulate ‘bubble’ domains for future spintronic and logic devices
- Sep 11, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Materials enter a new phase
- Building materials one atomic layer at a time aids the search for exotic phases of matter
- Sep 04, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Spins on the edge
- The edges of thin films could provide an ideal laboratory for studying the behavior of electron spins
- Aug 28, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Electrons take a phonon bath
- A theoretical model enables the first exact and universal description of electrons moving in a ‘bath’ of atomic vibrations
- Aug 28, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Electrons that stick together, superconduct together
- A newly uncovered electron-pairing mechanism challenges accepted wisdom in superconductor physics
- Aug 07, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Spins in artificial atoms resemble those in natural ones
- A study of an artificial molecule containing five electrons reveals similarities with spin filling of natural atoms
- Jul 03, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH A surprisingly simple magnetic flip
- A simple technique makes it possible to control the spin directions of ‘magnetic twins’ hiding inside metallic crystals
- Jun 26, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Interfering light waves produce unexpected forces
- Two interfering planar waves of light can exert a surprising perpendicular force and torque on small particles
- Jun 19, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH A bundled attraction
- A magnetic field and a protein jacket are all that is needed to create bundles of one-dimensional arrays of ‘superparamagnetic’ nanoparticles
- Jun 12, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Working at the interface for future energy
- The efficiency of polymer solar cells could be improved by precisely controlling the interface between organic layers
- May 29, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Even steps to quantum computation
- A rare class of quantum state that could be useful in information processes is observed in a two-dimensional oxide material system
- May 18, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Flicking the switch on spin-driven devices
- Compressing magnetically and electrically active crystals in one direction unlocks exotic spintronic switching activity
- May 09, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Squeezing light for stronger vibrations
- Precise control of interactions between light and vibrating mirrors at the level of single light particles could open a new field of complex quantum physical states
- Apr 03, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH One at a time, please
- Polymers held together by multiple weak intermolecular interactions but with tight control over the number of monomer units in each chain have been prepared for the first time
- Mar 09, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Nanosheets line up to mimic nature
- A composite material mimics the properties of natural cartilage by exploiting the repulsion of like charges
- Mar 09, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Skyrmions get a sonic touch
- The use of sound waves to probe nanoscale magnetic whirls called skyrmions could help to develop next-generation memory and data storage technology
- Jan 28, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH Particles find their mass
- Simulations indicate that a peculiar state of matter at close to absolute zero could be used to observe an elusive quantum phenomenon called quantum mass acquisition
- Dec 19, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH Skyrmions like it hot
- Pinpoint laser heating creates a maelstrom of magnetic nanotextures
- Nov 28, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH Electron quantum states set free
- A vortex of electrons provides unprecedented information on magnetic quantum states in solids
- Nov 17, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH Electrons move in different circles
- Scanning tunneling microscopy reveals the exotic properties of an unusual type of electron
- Oct 28, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH Multiplying solar harvests with ‘correlated’ technology
- Strongly interacting electrons turn oxide interfaces into magnetically controlled and extra-efficient solar cells
- Oct 17, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH Putting quantum forces on the map
- Mapping the relationship between two quantum effects in materials known as topological insulators could facilitate the development of quantum-based, low-power electronics
- Oct 17, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH Light finds a one-way street
- A multiferroic material displays a novel spin structure that allows light to travel in only one direction
- Oct 10, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH A critical point for the materials of tomorrow
- Theoretical calculations predict an exotic state of matter in which electrons barely interact with each other
- Sep 30, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH Exploring the potential of ‘valleytronics’
- Harnessing an unusual ‘valley’ quantum property of electrons offers a new possibility for next-generation electronics
- Sep 16, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH Magnetism intensified by defects
- Electron microscopy reveals how certain nanoscale crystal defects can dramatically intensify ferromagnetism in metal alloys
- Aug 29, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH Back to the future for quantum computers
- An oscillator once used to build early computers could become a core part of quantum computers
- Aug 29, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH Separating the buckybowl twins
- Selective enrichment of one of the mirror-image forms of corannulene molecules could lead to exciting new possibilities in nanotechnology
- Aug 15, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH Thin films reveal hidden potential
- Thin films of oxide materials reveal topological electronic properties hidden in the three-dimensional form
- Aug 08, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH Boosting microelectronics with a little liquid logic
- The combination of ferroelectric crystal and ionic liquid could lead to a new class of transistor for fast, low-power memory and logic devices
- May 30, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH The shape of spins to come
- Electron holography reveals the startling beauty of nanoscale magnetic vortices targeted for future spintronic data storage systems
- May 23, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH Split beams reveal the fine print
- A holographic technique for imaging electric fields in the vicinity of toner microparticles could lead to higher-quality printing
- May 16, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH A glimpse into the quantum world
- A general theory describes how averaging over many quantum weak measurements makes it possible to probe quantum systems experimentally
- Apr 25, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH A new twist in the properties of light
- Evanescent electromagnetic waves are found to have very different fundamental dynamical properties to those of normal light
- Mar 20, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH Unraveling a quantum phase transition
- Phase transitions between different states of matter are normally driven by random thermal motions of atoms. However, when phase transitions occur at temperatures approaching absolute zero, quant ....
- Mar 20, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH Dance of the skyrmions
- Skymions are ‘whirls’ in the magnetization of certain magnetic materials that show promise for future electronics and spintronics applications if they can be harnessed and manipulated.
- Mar 14, 2014RIKEN RESEARCH An exotic phase to manipulate spin
- In conducting materials, free electrons can move from one point to another, conveying their electrical charge to produce an electrical current. Electrons have another property, known as spin, tha ....
- Nov 15, 2013RIKEN RESEARCH Taking the measure of skyrmions
- Twisting magnetic patterns known as skyrmions could become effective data carriers in a new generation of computers if researchers can understand how to create and control them
- Mar 20, 2015RIKEN RESEARCH The universal nature of three-body attraction
- A study of the interaction among three objects in peculiar resonant systems uncovers an unexpected universality