Site Policy

Below is information to help you use the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science website. Note that any of this information may be changed without notice.

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Android: Google Chrome
iOS: Safari, Google Chrome
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Style sheets Make sure that style sheets are enabled in your browser. This website uses a high-usability style sheet, and if style sheets are disabled then pages may not display properly.


All text, photographs, diagrams, and other materials on this website are RIKEN copyright, unless explicitly specified otherwise elsewhere on the website. It is prohibited to use, reproduce, or modify any of these without RIKEN's permission.


If you want to link to a page on this site, send the following information through the "Contact" page:

  • the URL and title of the page on your site on which you wish to put the link (so that we can find it from the top page);
  • the URL and title of the page to which you wish to link; and
  • • the reason why you want to make the link (give as much detail as possible).

Links that might mislead users about the sources of information are not permitted, and links from the following types of website are strictly forbidden:

  • commercial websites or websites for soliciting customers that have no relation to RIKEN;
  • websites that contain contents intended to libel, defame, or damage the reputation of RIKEN or other persons or organizations;
  • websites that infringe or might infringe the intellectual property rights, property, privacy, or other rights of RIKEN or other persons or organizations; and
  • other websites that RIKEN judges unsuitable, for example websites that violate laws or public order and morals, and websites that might hinder the operation of the RIKEN website.


If you want to reproduce contents from this website, contact us through the "Contact" page.

Conditions of use

Use of information or data from this website is undertaken at the user's own risk. RIKEN takes no responsibility for any direct or indirect damage that may arise through the use of this information or data. RIKEN is not responsible for the contents of external website that are linked to from this website. Any or all of this website may be changed, deleted, or removed without notice.

Protection of personal data

If you send us an inquiry by e-mail, then your e-mail address will be revealed to us, but we will never use your e-mail address for any purpose other than replying to your inquiry. In accordance with RIKEN's rule on protection of personal data, your e-mail address will be protected strictly and will never be released, given, or lent to any third party without just cause.