115th CEMS Colloquium


Prof. Toshiro Hiramoto (The University of Tokyo)


17:30 - 18:30, September 27, 2023 (Wednesday)


Okochi-Hall, RIKEN


Technology Trends and future perspectives of Advanced Logic Semiconductors


The demands for Advanced Logic Semiconductors are growing rapidly to meet the aggressive requirements from next-generation smartphones, high-performance computing, and artificial intelligence (AI). At present, only three semiconductor companies can produce advanced logic chips below 10nm, which suggests that oligopoly progresses. On the other hand, Rapidus Corporation was established in Japan last year [1], which aims at mass production of 2nm chips in 2027. At the same time, LSTC (Leading-edge Semiconductor Technology Center) was also established in Japan to develop advanced logic technologies [2][3]. In this presentation, the technology trends of advanced logic semiconductors will be reviewed and the future perspectives will be discussed.

[1] https://www.rapidus.inc/news_topics/information/press1en/
[2] https://www.meti.go.jp/english/press/2022/1111_001.html
[3] https://www.meti.go.jp/english/press/2022/pdf/1111_001a.pdf