34th CEMS Colloquium


Prof. Tatsuo Hasegawa (The University of Tokyo)


17:30 - 18:30, December 16, 2015 (Wednesday)


Okochi-Hall, RIKEN


Emergent Matter Science For Printed Electronics


Printed electronics aims to realize self-formation of electronic devices under ambient conditions via the printed micro fluids that contain materials such as soluble organic electronic materials or dispersed metal nanoparticles. In this talk, we present our recent investigations on the printed electronics. The topics include 1) development of self-organized layered organic semiconductors and of their novel printing method for high performance thin-film transistors, 2) development of printed organic ferroelectric capacitor that presents few volt operation, and 3) new printing principle via nanoparticle chemisorption for ultrafine silver patterning. We discuss that the exploration is based on outcomes in various fields such as molecular nanotechnology, supramolecular chemistry, solid state and soft matter physics.