Spin Physics Theory Research Team

Principal Investigator

PI Name
Gen Tatara
Team Leader
Brief Resume
1992 Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
1992 Postdoctoral Fellow, The Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
1994 Postdoctoral Fellow, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, RIKEN
1996 Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
2004 PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency
2005 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University
2012 Team Leader, Emergent Spintronics Theory Research Team, RIKEN
2013 Team Leader, Spin Physics Theory Research Team, Quantum Information Electronics Division, RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (-present)


Our aim is to explore novel spin-related effects with extremely high efficiency in condensed matters. We thus contributes to development of spintronics, a technology using spin as well as charge of electrons, and to realization of ultrafast and high-density information technology with low energy consumption. Our particular interest is at present in a strong quantum relativistic effect in solids, which is applicable to very strong magnets and efficient conversion of spin information to an electric signal. Our main method is a field theory.

Research Fields

Physics, Engineering, Materials Science


Spin-orbit interaction
Domain wall
Spin current


Microscopic theory of spintronics

Spin-charge conversion effects in spintronics have been conventionally argued based on the concept of spin current, which has a fundamental ambiguity that cannot be avoided arising from its non-conservation. We have presented a linear response theory formulation to describe the effects in terms of response functions between physical observable, free from ambiguity. Our formalism without phenomenological constants like spin mixing conductance is expected to be important for trustable predictions and designs of spintronics devices.

Theoretical description of spintronics effects in analogy with electromagnetism has also been carried out. The results would be useful for integration of spintronics into electronics.

In ferromagnetic metals, spin of electrons traveling through a magnetization structure follows the local spin and acquires a quantum phase. This phase acts as an effective electromagnetic fields that couples to electron spin.


Gen Tatara

Team Leader gen.tatara[at]riken.jp

Mohammad Assadi Al

Research Scientist

Terufumi Yamaguchi

Postdoctoral Researcher

Collins Ashu Akosa

Visiting Scientist


  1. Hiroshi Funaki, and Gen Tatara

    Hydrodynamic theory of chiral angular momentum generation in metals

    Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023160 (2021)
  2. G. Tatara, C. A. Akosa, and R. M. Otxoa de Zuazola

    Magnon pair emission from a relativistic domain wall in antiferromagnets

    Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043226 (2020)
  3. G. Tatara

    Effective gauge field theory of spintronics

    Physica E 106, 208 (2018)
  4. T. Kikuchi, T. Koretsune, R. Arita, and G. Tatara

    Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction as a Consequence of a Doppler Shift due to Spin-Orbit-Induced Intrinsic Spin Current

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 247201 (2016)
  5. G. Tatara

    Thermal Vector Potential Theory of Transport Induced by a Temperature Gradient

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 196601 (2015)


Contact Us

2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198 Japan

