- 2021年08月19日RIKEN RESEARCH Electron–electron and spin–orbit interactions compete to control the electron
- The interactions that compete to control electron spin can give rise to novel electronic states useful for future quantum technologies
- 2020年07月17日RIKEN RESEARCH Skyrmions created in a centrosymmetric material lacking geometrical frustration
- Tiny magnetic swirls can form in a broader range of materials than have been used in previous experiments
- 2019年09月02日RIKEN RESEARCH Topological superconductivity studied in thin films
- A composite material reveals the relationship between superconductivity and exotic electronic states that could be useful in quantum computers
- 2018年10月19日RIKEN RESEARCH Anomalous Hall effect tested in defect-free thin-film magnetic semiconductor
- An improved understanding of why electrons take a curved path through magnetic materials could aid the design of the electronic devices of tomorrow
- 2018年04月20日RIKEN RESEARCH Electrical pulses shift the boundaries between magnetic patterns
- Electricity can be used to control magnetic patterns in an alloy, opening up the possibility of using them in high-performance devices
- 2018年04月13日RIKEN RESEARCH Anomalous and topological Hall effects can be controlled by an electric field
- Controlling the anomalous and topological Hall effects by applying an electric field could lead to new types of memory and logic devices
- 2018年03月16日RIKEN RESEARCH Domain walls allow dissipationless chiral edge conduction of electrons
- Chiral edge states could offer a way to store and manipulate information in low-power electronic devices
- 2018年03月02日RIKEN RESEARCH Axion insulator exhibits giant magnetoresistance at low magnetic fields
- The resistance of a new design of quantum material varies greatly with magnetic field, making it useful for novel devices
- 2018年02月23日RIKEN RESEARCH Chiral magnets show bulk diode effect due to spin fluctuation
- Materials with left- and right-handed responses to current exhibit an intriguing diode effect
- 2017年12月08日RIKEN RESEARCH Solar cells with a quantum shift
- A quantum-mechanical way of generating photocurrents may help solar devices overcome existing inefficiencies
- 2017年10月20日RIKEN RESEARCH Positive result for cuprate superconductor
- High-temperature superconductivity may be linked to the low-energy pairing of holes on oxygen sites
- 2017年02月03日RIKEN RESEARCH Magnetic bubbles pop up
- Skyrmionic bubbles, a potential data carrier in low-energy computing systems, can be controlled using temperature or a magnetic field
- 2016年11月18日RIKEN RESEARCH Switched-on skyrmions
- A lattice of magnetic vortices can be created or destroyed simply by applying an electric field
- 2016年01月29日RIKEN RESEARCH A better foundation for 3D memory
- The discovery of metal-like domain walls in magnetic insulators may help realize energy-efficient memory devices with massive storage capacities
- 2016年01月15日RIKEN RESEARCH Defrosting a magnetic mystery
- An intriguing quantum effect that is potentially useful for practical electronic devices has been realized at significantly higher temperatures than previously observed
- 2015年09月25日RIKEN RESEARCH A magnetic memory bubbling with opportunity
- Ultrafast laser pulses can manipulate ‘bubble’ domains for future spintronic and logic devices
- 2015年05月18日RIKEN RESEARCH Flicking the switch on spin-driven devices
- Compressing magnetically and electrically active crystals in one direction unlocks exotic spintronic switching activity
- 2015年03月09日RIKEN RESEARCH Skyrmions get a sonic touch
- The use of sound waves to probe nanoscale magnetic whirls called skyrmions could help to develop next-generation memory and data storage technology
- 2015年03月06日理研ニュース 新しい電磁気学を切り拓くスキルミオン
- 2010年、理研創発物性科学研究センターの于秀珍上級研究員らは、磁石の中でたくさんの電子スピンが渦状に並んだ構造「スキルミオン」の直接観察に世界で初めて成功した。
- 2014年10月28日RIKEN RESEARCH Multiplying solar harvests with ‘correlated’ technology
- Strongly interacting electrons turn oxide interfaces into magnetically controlled and extra-efficient solar cells
- 2014年10月17日RIKEN RESEARCH Putting quantum forces on the map
- Mapping the relationship between two quantum effects in materials known as topological insulators could facilitate the development of quantum-based, low-power electronics
- 2014年10月17日RIKEN RESEARCH Light finds a one-way street
- A multiferroic material displays a novel spin structure that allows light to travel in only one direction
- 2014年08月08日RIKEN RESEARCH Boosting microelectronics with a little liquid logic
- The combination of ferroelectric crystal and ionic liquid could lead to a new class of transistor for fast, low-power memory and logic devices
- 2014年03月14日RIKEN RESEARCH An exotic phase to manipulate spin
- The experimental detection of an important quantum phenomenon in a semiconductor could lead to improved control of electron spin and the development of practical spintronics